We conduct NTST- National Talent Search Test and CTSE-Commerce Talent Search Exam at National level. NTST is for the students of classes 3rd to 12th. CTSE is for the students of 11th and 12th Commerce. 18th NTST/CTSE (2024-25) will be conducted on 21st November 2024. We are the only one in this field who conduct single test of four subjects at one nominal fee. Our focus is on inclusive learnings and motivate students to develop all-around personality. We have come up with unique concept of Self-Evaluation Sheets for Commerce students. Our team of experts have been working hard on Self-Evaluation Sheets for the students of other classes too. We believe that in-depth studies of class text books/ncert books can lead students to achieve success and excel in academics and competitions. NTST and CTSE tests both the in-depth knowledge about all major subjects and competitive aptitude of students. We provide both offline and online exposure to students. Performances of students are certified with participation certificates to all and achievers are awarded with fabulous prizes. Our organisation is run by educationists and professionals in the field of Commerce, Science, Maths, English, IT and Life Skills. We always seek your valuable suggestions and co-operation for the overall development of students at national level.